Conditioner for Damaged Hair

Everyone loves to experiment with hair. Whether it’s by perming, highlighting, or coloring, we’ll do anything to bring our tresses alive. But we are also no stranger to the damage that follows. In fact, 84% of women today feel their hair is damaged. But we come with some good news.

Your crowning glory can be restored to its beautiful-self again, by simply choosing the right product. A great hair conditioner to begin with.

Treatment for damaged hair

A good, moisturizing conditioner will be your most trusted friend for repairing damaged hair. Dove Intense Repair Conditioner is a great choice for treating your damaged hair. With 1/4 moisture milk and Keratin Actives, it helps reduce frizz by penetrating deep inside your hair, making it soft and smooth. Moreover, it’s the best conditioner in India and great for everyday use.

So how do you best utilize the goodness of your conditioner? Simply by applying it on your hair, not the scalp, after shampooing, for a few minutes. Rinse it with water and you’re done!

So no matter how busy your daily routine, give some time to conditioning, and say hello to your beautiful tresses again.